Tuesday, July 9, 2024


“Wherever I go the people say,
‘What’s the news? What’s the news?
What is the order of the day?
What’s the news? What’s the news?’
Oh, I have got the Good News to tell.
My Savior has done all things well.
He triumphed over death and hell.
That’s the news. That’s the news.”
(from the old Welsh hymn “Beyond Live and Beckoning Stars”)

That’s the good news of the gospel wanting to be born in you…

Are you ready to say with Mary: “Let it be, to me, according to Thy word”? Are you ready to say with Jesus: “Not My will, but Thy will be done”? Nothing more. Nothing less. Nothing else.

Are you ready to pray the greatest prayer ever uttered, the simple but great Amen… “So Be It”?

The symbol embodying the most fundamental meaning of discipleship is the cross, not the ladder. We glory in the cross of Christ, not the ladder of success, a ladder kicked away forever when Jesus slipped on the Via Dolorosa.

Remember this: There are no rungs, only nails, on the cross. 

-- Leonard Sweet in “A Cup of Coffee at the Soul Café”


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