Friday, June 7, 2024

DEPENDENCE – Part 3 of 3

We must transfer the burden of responsibility to the Lord and then leave it there: “Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). Each demand upon us is in reality a demand upon Him. Our weakness is His opportunity. The disciples’ lack of bread (to feed the thousands) did not disconcert our Lord (Matthew 15:29-39). He knew what He would do. He always does.

When we fix our eyes on God, we are less inclined to see our own frailty and feel sorry for ourselves. We see our inability not as an impediment but as the very means by which we untie the hands of the Almighty. Then we hear Him say, as He said to Moses, “Now you will see what I will do… because of My mighty hand” (Exodus 6:1).

Relying on God has to begin every day before anything else is done. If you have trouble believing, ask God to help you. Growing faith, like every other virtue, is a job for God! You must ask Him to increase your measure of faith, praying as Mother Teresa prayed, “Lord, give me faith that Your work may be done.” 

-- Adapted from “A Beacon in The Darkness: Reflecting God’s Light in Today’s Word” by John Roper


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