Friday, November 17, 2023


Whenever I hear of a Christian copping out of some undertaking for God in order to wait to learn God's will for his or her life, I have to ask, "Where in the Bible does it tell you that God will reveal the divine plan for your whole life?  It seems to me that it's just the opposite.  The Bible lets us know that God keeps us in a constructive and spiritually edifying state of dependency.

"There are two ways I could tell you how to get to my house," I tell them.  "I could draw you a map, and you could use the map to figure out how to get to my house on your own.  You might or might not get there, depending on how good a mapmaker I am and how good you are at reading maps.  But better than giving you a map would be if I got in the car with you and guided you all the way.  If I showed you every road to take and every turn to make as we drove along, you would get to my house without any trouble."

I then go on to explain that God directs our lives by being a constant guiding presence, rather than by giving us directions to follow by ourselves.  We are not given a road map for the rest of our lives, because that would enable us to chart life's course without leaning on the Lord.  Rather, as it says in John 16:13, Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to us with the promise that the Spirit will be a guiding presence in our lives. 

-- Tony Campolo in “Following Jesus Without Embarrassing God


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