Tuesday, September 26, 2023


“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”  (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NIV)

In his book “Falling Into Greatness,” Lloyd Ogilvie relates this story about the purpose of safety nets to trapeze artists: “A friend of mine, a high flier in the circus in his youth, tells me that the secret of becoming a successful trapeze artist is in overcoming the fear of falling. ‘Once you know that the net below will catch you, you stop worrying about falling,’ he said. ‘You actually learn to fall successfully! What I mean is, you can concentrate on catching the trapeze swinging toward you, and not on falling, because repeated falls in the past have convinced you that the net hurts only if you stiffen up and resist it. The result of falling and being caught by the net brings a mysterious confidence and daring on the trapeze. You fall less. Each fall makes you able to risk more!’”

For me faith-based small groups have been my safety net. They have encouraged me to take greater risks in my journey of following Christ, knowing that they are there to catch me if and when I fall. They have supported me in my calling to go into the ministry, throughout my years of serving Christ in the local church, and now in retirement. They have been there through the ups and downs of life, each time encouraging greater leaps of faith, and catching me when I do fall. At the same time, I have been part of that safety net for others as they live out their journey with Christ.

If you are not part of a Christ-centered small group, talk to your pastor or church leaders. They can help you get the support you need to fly high. 

– Rev. David T. Wilkinson, SOUND BITES Ministry


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