Tuesday, September 27, 2011


From a Christian perspective, human relations reach toward full realization when there is a common love, when there is shared faith in God and joint commitment to God. To love God together with others is to be drawn into the deepest sharing of life with one another. It is to find the true base of community and it is to extend community. A new dimension of relationship is established by common life as each person is drawn out of his or her subjectivity into a new way of being as "we" is created. Love is the bearer of this new way of being, and this new way of being is the inclusive expression of Christian love.

-- Thomas A. Langford in Christian Wholeness


1 comment:

  1. I believe Langford is correct as far as we are called by God/grace out of our individuality
    into community, always in relationship with God, Christ, and all others. However, I believe that
    Langford is incorrect when he states faith calls us out of our "subjectivity," for that bit of personalism
    is how we come to know life, ourself, and the world around us.
    We are called out of our self-centeredness, our focus on our own life, our own world, our
    own dream, when grace softens and transforms us into developing a Christ-vision that impels us
    forward and outward with new awareness and strength into helping others, doing charitable works
    balanced with efforts to build a world of fairness and justice for all. He is correct that this grace-driven
    love is the "inclusive" (never exclusive) expression" of Christian love. It is open to all humankind.
    Chaplain Mike


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