Thursday, June 25, 2009


Why all of this emphasis upon evangelism? Because evangelism is "Job One" for the church. Do you remember those old Ford commercials which claimed "Quality is Job One"? I believe we can modify that motto to say "Evangelism is Job One" for the church. The church exists for sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ... The church is one of the few institutions which exists not for itself, but for the world. Yes, of course, we must share the Good News with those inside the church who need to hear the Gospel, respond, and grow in faith. But too often we have stopped there. We have focused only upon ourselves, our comfort, and our institution, rather than focusing upon reaching the world for Christ.

Evangelism is not about saving the church. Evangelism is not about institutional survival. Evangelism is about being faithful to the call of Christ. We are called to change lives and to transform the world, and in the process we will discover the church itself becoming more vital and alive.

Yes, indeed, I am ready to say "Evangelism is Job One." How about you?

-- U.M. Bishop Michael J. Coyner



  1. JOB 1:

    Mmmmm...I'm struggling with this one. Although I believe that evangelism is really, really important, I think worship is JOB #1. I think I have to have God praised and worshipped for all that he is before I am ready to evangelize. Otherwise, I'm afraid that my proclamation too easily turns into how great my religion, my church, my youth group, or how great I am, versus how great God is.
    If my evangelism is effective, a natural response from all involved will be worship.
    The first commandment is for me to love God with everything I have; then I can treat my neighbor as myself by sharing my faith.
    But I agree with Bishop Coyner's message: that we are not to sit back and make excuses, but to get out there!

  2. I,too, was struggling with this message. Pete expressed my feelings perfectly. Thanks for giving us such good bites to chew on Dave.


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