Tuesday, January 20, 2015


The hearing heart pays attention to the many ways in which God acts in our lives and in the world. God leaves metaphorical breadcrumbs that lead us along a path of God's choosing if we're paying attention. Learn to notice the gifts God gave you and watch the way your own life story is developing if you want to know more about God's will for you. God may not put a burning bush in your path, but there will be plenty of other clues about what God may want you to do or be.

The hearing heart also pays attention to its body since bodies often judge wisely long before intellects do. Stress responses -- shallow breathing or bodily discomfort versus relaxed, deep breathing and sensations of well being -- can be major clues in discerning the wrong path from the right one.

The hearing heart comes to God in prayer and study with a sense of openness to hearing God's word. Prayer is a conversation with God, one in which we are silent as often as we speak so God gets a turn to talk. With a hearing heart we listen for God's desires and dreams as often as we share our own.

-- Debra Farrington in "Alive Now" Magazine, published by The Upper Room, Nashville, TN.   Used with permission.


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