Monday, January 5, 2015


Once I started toward God, I never really stopped and was never really in need of starting over.

Was I ever in need of confession and forgiveness and grace and a touch of providence itself?  Certainly.  Was I in need of turning toward God as though we were strangers to each other and had never met?  No, not once.  Which makes me no different from you, though it may well have taken me a lot longer to figure it out.

Once we start home toward God… we simply do not ever turn around and head in another direction.  There is no other direction.  And in the moments when we feel as if we are so turned around that we will never get home, somebody turns up and nudges us a couple of points to starboard, whichever direction that is.  Suddenly, without being particularly conscious of it or faithful about it, we sense that we are headed toward God again full blast.

-- Robert Benson in Between the Dreaming and the Coming True


1 comment:

  1. This one is so wonderful and definitely a keeper. Your site is a huge blessing to me -" thank you" doesn't even begin to cover it!
    Wishing you a Happy New Year!
    Lynn Z.


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