Wednesday, May 1, 2024


Why should we expend the energy to pray?

I found there are several reasons – but the first is all we really need to know.  God has told us to pray.  It is a commandment, and if we love Him, we obey His commands.

But there is a second reason: We pray because Jesus prayed.  Sometimes people will say the only reason for prayer is that we need to be changed.  Yes, we do need to change, but that's not the only reason to pray.  Jesus didn't need to be changed or be made more holy.  When He prayed He was communing with His Father.  He thanked God.  He praised Him.  He asked for things.  He requested power.  He prayed on behalf of others.  He asked that the devil be bridled.  He asked His Father to prevent what was about to take place.  He made clear His own will.  He prayed as though His petitions had a definite effect on God's design.

In light of God's clear commands and our Lord's unmistakable example, it's obvious we believers "should always pray and never give up" (Luke 18:1).  God does not want us to shrug our shoulders, shuffle our feet, and mutter, "Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be."  On the contrary, Scripture makes it plain that we are involved with this life of ours -- and the lives of others as well.  Certain things simply will not happen… unless we pray.

-- Joni Earkeckson Tada in “Glorious Intruder”


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