Wednesday, May 25, 2022


I want to destroy a deadly myth. One so subtle that it hardly seems dangerous. But one so lethal it would delude our faith and damage our walk with Christ. What is that deadly myth? “He’s so heavenly minded, he’s no earthly good.” Don’t you believe it.

Just the opposite is true. We must be heavenly minded if we are to be any earthly good. Heaven must impact our lives today. “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:1-2 NIV)

We must reorient our thinking and refocus our hearts toward Heaven. Ever decision we make must be in the light of eternity. Every investment of our lives must be made from the perspective of Heaven. In the midst of hectic schedules and fast-paced lifestyles, we must choose to preoccupy ourselves with the unseen world above where Christ is enthroned as Lord over all.

Let us live for the world to come, not for this present age. Let us live for what is timeless, not temporal. Let us live for the spiritual, not the earthly. Let us live for the invisible, not the visible.

There is a restless longing in every person’s heart. God has placed eternity within us (Ecclesiastes 3:11) -- a strong desire for the world to come. Whether we realize it or not, our souls long for a place called Heaven. This yearning for our home above calls us to live radically different from the ways of the world. 

-- Adapted from Steven J. Lawson in “Heaven Help Us!: Truths About Eternity That Will Help You Live Today”


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