Thursday, June 3, 2021


“When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, He had compassion on them and healed their sick.”  (Matthew 14:14)

When Jesus looked out at the crowds interrupting His day off, He saw people who longed for God. People who had rowed three miles across the lake or walked seven miles to reach Him. People who’d made a real effort to spend their time with Him.

To Jesus, the gathered people were “like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36). Jesus was tired, but the people in front Him were more important than His own plans and need of rest. Jesus saw people as God saw them. How do you see people? Especially those who interrupt your “me time” or who cause you irritation or frustration on busy days?

Ask God to help you see people through His eyes. Look at people from His point of view, as sheep who need the Shepherd. Then be willing to give your time and energy to help them find Him. Move your focus off yourself and onto the needs of others… for Jesus’ sake! 

-- Anne Graham Lotz in “Fixing My Eyes on Jesus”


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