Wednesday, January 9, 2013


God is present in His people.  Psychologist Henry Cloud tells about a time in his life when he was wrestling with depression.  He asked God for healing.  He was hoping for something spectacular, something instantaneous and showy.  He thought healing could be something strictly between him and God.  Instead, God sent some people to him.  He got into a little community of people who loved and cared for him.  Over time, their support and truthfulness were used for his healing.  There was nothing glamorous about it.

Reflecting on it afterward, Henry said he realized that he had thought the "special effect" route was God's Plan A and that people were Plan B.  To be healed with a bolt of lighting or some magic words is spectacular: people seem so ordinary.  But he realized that with God it is the other way around.  People are God's preferred messengers, God's Plan A, because they alone carry His image. 

-- John Ortberg in God Is Closer Than You Think


1 comment:

  1. You cannot imagine what a blessing and miricle this message was today. Praise the Lord and your work. You have been used by HIM. Thank You!



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