Tuesday, March 13, 2012


"Jesus touched their eyes. Immediately they regained their sight and followed Him." (Matthew 20:29-34)

Hatred is a weak vice. It distorts our view of the world, of our neighbor (or "enemy"), and of ourselves. The strength of forgiveness on the other hand is the true view it opens up. We begin to see things as they really are, in the sight of God. We begin to see our neighbor -- even his weaknesses and failings -- with the eyes of God. The things we hated about him fall into true perspective, and we begin to wonder at the way God is leading him to something better. Then we begin to want to help him. And ourselves we see for what we are -- equally poor sinners in God's sight with the persons we once disliked.
It has been said that sorrow cleanses the eyes that they may more clearly see. That is even truer of forgiveness. Forgiveness is our most God-like quality, and the one that brings us nearest to the divine presence. As was said of the ancient Rabbi Hillel, "His loving-kindness brought men close under the wings of 'Shekinah,'"(that is, into the presence of God). Such grace, Paul tells us in Romans 5:21, will lead us to eternal life through Jesus Christ. 

-- St. Paul's Episcopal Church Daily eMeditation,  June 25, 2010


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