Wednesday, April 28, 2010


God deals with each one of us as individuals, where we are. He has given us the talents we have. God is not a dilettante game-player, who gives us one set of talents and then somehow makes us justify our spiritual lives by calling us to give them up. Each person is an individual. Either the whole [person] is redeemed by Christ or none of [that person]!

-- Franky Schaeffer in Addicted to Mediocrity


1 comment:

  1. I believe that Franky Schaeffer's quote from his Addicted to Mediocrity: "God deals with each one of us as individuals" and his closing statement: "Either the whole (person) is redeemed by Christ or none of (that person)" has some truth in it, but the wider, more theological view is that we don't live in a vacuum and God's grace doesn't grow us in a vacuum. Salvation is both personal and relational (communal): relational to everyone around us extending to all humans, all life and the very planet itself. The "whole" person is indeed the person surrounded by all facts of creation, the human and all else, as well. How
    can the sun shine only on individuals and not on everything around individuals? Salvation is much more than my faith or your faith assent. Salvation is becoming transformed through
    the grace relationship until we move forward and outward with enlightened souls and open hearts.
    The whole of creation sings with the melody of the Divine. We find our fulfillment and our maturity by harmonizing with that Divine melody, something we need to listen for every
    day. The talents we have been given and that we discover we have are for further development, not merely for ourselves, but for the service for life of humankind and the world. The whole
    person is redeemed by Christ, (in the Christian context) in a lifelong faith relationship that began with our initial faith response. As the old song says: "Where charity is, there is Love."

    Chaplain Mike


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