Friday, February 12, 2010


On any given day in the summer, my backyard teems with variety. Monarchs and bumblebees flit from lavender to cone flowers, flickers and finches pick at seeds on the ground, squirrels dart up and down the maple and cedar, and cats leap at insects and leaves in between hours of napping. It is in this little patch of nature that I have rediscovered an abundant God.

What is necessary, for instance, about more than one kind of butterfly, or an infinite variety of flowers? I may not need all that diversity, but my life is certainly enriched for it.

If God has been so generous with nature, wouldn't God be generous with me? And wouldn't that generous God have already given me what I need to live the life I long for? Assuming I take responsibility for using the gifts I have been given, it seems entirely possible that the life I want is completely within my grasp.

-- Tricia Shug in Alive Now, May/June 2002, published by The Upper Room, Nashville, TN. Used with permission.


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