Tuesday, May 19, 2009


It occurs to me that one way to test the authenticity of our religion is to ask ourselves to whom we gravitate as we make our way through life: to the power brokers, the shakers and movers, the beautiful people who make us feel so much better about ourselves? Or do we move toward those who have nothing going for them in this world, and who can do nothing for us? Are we willing to befriend and listen to those awkward people others avoid? Can we love them when love seems useless, when we cannot help them? Can we care about them though they never return our affection? Can we do this in faithful obedience to God, even though no one sees or knows but He?

We can when we remember that God is the Father of the downtrodden and disenfranchised, and that includes us. We too have nothing but our wretchedness to bring to God. Only when we remember His pity for us can we speak or act in pity. Then we have a religion that God can accept.

-- David Roper in Growing Slowly Wise


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