Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Why is this central pain, which has for so long blocked our growth, not automatically, spontaneously healing by God's love without our awareness and asking?

Much of it is, of course. In many ways we are healed at subconscious levels without consciously knowing it. But apparently there are some forms of inner pain whose healing needs our intentional consent.

God's love always surrounds us, our unreconciled areas as well as our light-filled areas. But God's full healing seems to wait for our longing and consent. Is this because we are not helpless puppets but created to be children, heirs, spouses, partners, cocreators with God, our free consent a crucial part of the creative wisdom of growing?

-- Flora Slosson Wuellner in Transformation, published by The Upper Room, Nashville, TN. Used with permission.


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