Friday, July 9, 2021


Many years ago, when my daughter Michelle was a toddler, she climbed out of bed very early one Saturday morning and made her way to the kitchen. While her mother and I slept, she pulled open the refrigerator door and found herself staring at a full carton of fresh eggs. To her, they must have looked like little balls. I assume that, because she promptly started picking them up one at a time trying to bounce them on the tile floor.

Splat… splat…splat.

Suddenly, my wife and I were throwing covers left and right and flying out of the bed. We raced down the hall and found Michelle in her jammies, grinning ear to ear, playing in a gooey pool of broken eggs. I’m sure she thought we had come to join the fun. She was not happy when she realized that was not the case.

Thinking back, I remember how filthy she was, all covered in egg goo. She was resistant to my efforts to clean her up. But most of all, she was clueless. She couldn’t begin to understand why I was ruining what had been, for her, a cracking good time.

Filthy, resistant, and clueless. That was my daughter in a nutshell… or perhaps I should say in an eggshell.

But not for one instant did I stop loving her.

And the Lord won’t stop loving you either, even if you make a mess of your life. John 1:17 says, “God’s unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ.”

“Unfailing love.” Those words make all the difference. 

-- Adapted from Mark Atteberry in “Free Refill: Coming Back for More of Jesus”


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