Monday, February 3, 2020


“If we confess our sins, [God] who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  (1 John 1:9 NRSV)

How do I deal with the debt I owe God? Deny it? My conscience won't let me. Find worse sins in others? God won't fall for that. Claim lineage immunity? Family pride won't help. Try to pay it off? I could but that takes us back to the problem.  We don't know the cost of sin.  We don't even know how much we owe. Then what do we do?

Simply put: The cost of your sins is more than you can pay.  The gift of your God is more than you can imagine.  "A person is made right with God through faith," Paul explains, "not through obeying the law"  (Romans 3:28).

This may very well be the most difficult spiritual truth for us to embrace.  For some reason, people accept Jesus as Lord before they accept him as Savior.  It's easier to comprehend His power than His mercy.  We'll celebrate the empty tomb long before we'll kneel at the cross.  We, like Thomas, would die for Christ before we'd let Christ die for us.

There's not one of us who hasn't racked up more bills than we could ever pay. But there's not a one of us who must remain in debt.  God has promised grace to us.

-- Max Lucado


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