Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Christmas is MUSIC

"Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!"  (Psalm 95:1)

Who can hope to describe Christmas.  Language can be uplifting, words can be wonderful, too.  But Christmas transcends language and accents and dialects.  Only through music can the beauty and marvel of Christmas find suitable expression. In dank prison cells, on lonely treks to promised lands and new possibilities, in slave ships and on picket lines, people have been sustained by the power of song.  In moments of greatest joy or most painful sorrow, it is music which provides inspiration and solace.  Long, long ago men and women heard angels singing within their hearts and life can never, ever be the same again.  For, folk with ears attuned to intimations of glory continue to hear, beneath the babble and the raucous strains of modern life, the symphony of the soul.

-- Don G. Smith, Lorne Park Baptist Church, Mississauga, Ontario, December 7, 1985


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