Friday, April 26, 2013


Where do you experience an authentic level of passion about things down here not running the way they are up there?  Maybe it happens when you look at people who suffer from poverty or illiteracy or abuse in families.  Maybe you find your heart stirred when you come in contact with people who have deep emotional hurts or children who have no homes or marriages that are falling apart.

Internally, most of us want to experience the feelings of God's presence; a deeper sense of peace and assurance, a stronger surge of joy, a clearer word of guidance.  Is it even possible for the practice of the presence of God to become a thinly veiled pursuit of emotional comfort?  But ironically, none of these feelings are strictly necessary for us to become agents of God's presence for other people.  All that is necessary is a single intent: "Lord, where do You want to use me to help things down here run the way they do up there?" 

-- John Ortberg in God Is Closer Than You Think

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