Tuesday, September 17, 2024


The disciples of Jesus discovered that regular withdrawal from people and activity was one predictable thing about Jesus. He made silence and solitude His special companions. Whatever the demands upon Him, Jesus always found a time and place to hide away and be alone. His hectic teaching and ministering was constantly punctuated by these times of withdrawal. Before all the most important events in His life we find Him preparing by getting alone. His ministry began in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). He chose His disciples after a whole night alone in prayer (Luke 6:12). When John the Baptist died Jesus spent time alone (Matthew 14:13). Before the glory of the transfiguration and darkness of the cross we find Him alone in prayer (Matthew 17:1-9 and 26:36-46). In those lonely places the deep springs of the Spirit’s life renewed Him, the Father’s will strengthened Him and the Father’s love inspired Him.

Jesus taught the disciples to do the same. After one particularly busy time of ministry and teaching He said, “’Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.’ So they went away by themselves in a boat to a lonely place” (Mark 6:31-32).

This was the secret of Jesus’ life. This was where He found strength to follow the Father’s will. When we follow Him we must copy not only His words and actions but His silence and moments of solitary withdrawing as well. If Jesus needed these times, then we certainly need them more! Like the disciples we follow Him into the desert places. And in our turn, we must learn from Him how to be alone and still. 

-- David Runcorn in “A Center of Quiet: Hearing God When Life Is Noisy,” 1990


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