Friday, August 9, 2024


“Then David danced before the LORD with all his might;…”  (2 Samuel 6:14a NKJV)

God’s greatest gift is Himself. Sunsets steal our breath. Caribbean blue stills our hearts. Newborn babies stir our tears. Lifelong love bejewels our lives. But take all these away -- strip away the sunsets, oceans, cooing babies, and tender hearts -- and leave us in the Sahara, and we still have reason to dance in the sand. Why? Because God is with us.

This must be what David knew. And this must be what God wants us to know. We are never alone.  Ever.

God loves you too much to leave you alone, so He hasn’t. He hasn’t left you alone with your fears, your worries, your disease, your death. So kick up your heels for joy. 

-- Max Lucado in “Facing Your Giants”


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