Wednesday, October 7, 2020


“When they saw who [Jesus] was, He disappeared. They said to each other. ‘It felt like a fire burning in us when Jesus talked to us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us.” (Luke 24:31-32 NCV)

Jesus comes to set you on fire! He walks as a torch from heart to heart, warming the cold and thawing the chilled, and stirring the ashes. He is at once [an intentional brush fire that clears the land] and a welcome candle. He comes to purge infection and illuminate your direction.

The fire in your heart is the light of your path. Disregard it at your own expense. Fan it at your own delight. Blow it. Stir it. Nourish it. Cynics will doubt it. Those without it will mock it. But those who know it -- those who know Him -- will understand.

To meet the Savior is to be set aflame. To discover the flame is to discover His will. And to discover His will is to access a world like none you’ve ever seen. 

-- Max Lucado in “The Great House of God”


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