Friday, March 29, 2019


NOTE: Today marks a significant milestone for this SOUND BITES Ministry -- its 20th Anniversary! I began this ministry on March 29, 1999 as a way to glorify God for the life of our son, Dustin Thomas, who had died one year earlier. Dustin had been born with developmental disabilities that he lived with for 16 years, ultimately dying from an unrelated brain tumor. A line in today’s SOUND BITES quote speaks to what our family and friends felt about Dustin -- he was “a valuable member of God's family, unique and special in God's sight, loved by those around him, with much to offer regardless of his limitations."

On this anniversary, as I have done at times in the past, I would invite you to share how God has used SOUND BITES to minister to you, or how you have used SOUND BITES to minister to others. Post your comment here.

Thank you for your support for this ministry. Please share SOUND BITES with others and help us spread the good news of God’s grace through Jesus Christ to the whole world -- "The world is our parish." 

-- Rev. Dave Wilkinson, founder and editor


The Lord said, "You are precious in My eyes, and honored, and I love you." (Isaiah 43:4)

As I sat watching the handicapped preschoolers gather pumpkins, I felt saddened that my own three-year-old was among them. Why had I bothered to bring him? Mentally and physically handicapped, he could really only observe the fun around him. My hope for a meaningful life for Thomas was at an all-time low.

I talked about my feelings with another parent who was also watching. She opened my eyes to something. "Like you," she said, "I almost didn't bring Kristen today. She is unaware of her surroundings and couldn't possibly enjoy the activities. But then," she continued, "I realized while she may not get anything out of this experience, perhaps someone will see Kristen and be touched by her."

In her words, I saw a ray of hope, a glimpse of meaning in Thomas' life. Perhaps by seeing him participate in his limited way, others would see Thomas not as "handicapped" but as a valuable member of God's family, unique and special in God's sight, loved by those around him, with much to offer regardless of his limitations.

I smiled as I scooped Thomas up, and we hurried into the field in search of pumpkins.

-- Sharon P. Stanley in “The Upper Room”, November 30, 1990 


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