Tuesday, September 19, 2017


A word to Christians who are [public] school teachers and administrators: Most of the teachers my children have had in school were Christians, and for this I am grateful.  Though you cannot overtly seek to bring your students to faith in Christ, you can minister to them.  You can encourage children and believe in them.  You play such an important role, and God is honored by what you do with your lives.  You chose a career that may never pay six figures but that allows you to invest in the lives of our children.  Teachers are heroes, and we are grateful to them.  And you as Christian teachers, while you may not intentionally use your position to lead children to the Christian religion, you may certainly let Christ's love shine through you.

You teachers may pray for your children by name in the evenings at home.  You may live the gospel in how you love them at school.  You may ask the Holy Spirit to work through you as you work with the most challenging of these kids.  You may listen for the Lord to guide you in what you do.

-- Adam Hamilton in “Confronting the Controversies”


1 comment:

  1. Very much appreciate this post. Teaching is not done in a vacuum. Teachers routinely address subjects some find objectionable. Often the objection is that the teacher is advancing their own opinion, agenda for a particular objective either social or political. There is no reason at all that while engaging subject matter a teacher may not express their own opinions, etc. about faith in Christ. Teachers are not required to check their faith at the door before entering the school, nor should they be.


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