Thursday, August 31, 2017


The person who is the best caregiver is a good listener. To a large extent, pastoral care is simply being present, being available, and being open to hear the needs and concerns of others.

In John 1:14 we read “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” God dwells with us with the grace and the truth only God can provide. For John, Jesus represents one who “is and will be present,” and humankind finds its wholeness and shalom on earth, as well as in heaven.

After the resurrection, Jesus breathed on His disciples and said, “as the Father has sent Me, even so I send you.” (John 20:19-23) Jesus then said, “Receive the Holy Spirit,” and blessed the disciples. That same Spirit abides with disciples today -- whether ordained or laity -- and enables all to work on God’s behalf. In the midst of providing care, clergy and lay pastoral caregivers alike lean on the support and direction of the Holy Spirit. As Christians we believe that the Spirit gives us certain gifts. By using these gifts, we continue the ministry begun by Jesus.

-- Timothy M. Farabaugh in “Lay Pastoral Care Giving”


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