Friday, October 23, 2015


To Johann Sebastian Bach, the distinction between sacred and secular was a false dichotomy. All things were created by God and for God, no exceptions. Every note of music. Every color on the palette. Every flavor that tingles the taste buds.

Arnold Summerfield, the German physicist and pianist, observed that a single hydrogen atom, which emits one hundred frequencies, is more musical than a grand piano, which only emits eighty-eight frequencies.

Every single atom is a unique expression of God's creative genius. And that means every atom is a unique expression of worship.

According to composer Leonard Bernstein, the best translation of Genesis 1:3 and several other verses in Genesis 1 is not "and God said." He believed a better translation is "and God sang." The Almighty sang every atom into existence, and every atom echoes that original melody sung in three-part harmony by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

-- Mark Batterson in All In


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