Friday, August 8, 2014


The simplest illustration I've come across to articulate what sets Christianity apart from other religions is called "Do versus Done."  I tell people who are on the Earning-Grace Plan that "religion is spelled D-O.  At the end of the day, it's all about whether you do enough right things to earn God's favor.  To get in God's good graces, the thinking goes, you have to do this and do that and strive and sacrifice and clean up your act and make all sorts of promises."

"But Christianity, on the other hand," I say to people, "is spelled D-O-N-E.  The Bible says that what Christ did on the cross is enough.  He did what you could never do -- He uniquely satisfied God's requirement for a perfect sacrifice to take care of our past, present, and future sin -- and if you receive what He accomplished, then not only will you be 'in God's good graces,' but your life will be made brand new.  Because of what Christ did on the cross, your sins can be forgiven and you can find favor in God's eyes right here, right now."

-- Bill Hybels in Just Walk Across the Room


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