Monday, May 5, 2014


Christ's sufferings allow us to realize something amazing: that God suffers with us.

When we feel like we've been humiliated in the presence of those around us, Christ has "already been there, done that."

When we feel like all our friends have fled, and we wonder whom we can trust, Christ has "already been there, done that."

When we experience great physical pain in our lives, and wonder when it will mercifully end, Christ has "already been there, done that."

And if we or someone we know, for some unthinkable reason, experiences an untimely, or unexpected death, Christ has "already been there, done that."

In short, there is no human suffering -- self inflicted, world inflicted, caused by blind luck or fate -- that Christ cannot understand and identify with. That is why we can say, with the famous Psalm-writer, "Even if I walk though the valley of the shadow of death, You are with me..."

In precisely those worst times of life, God is with us. God understands us. God is not just some out-of-touch purveyor of psycho-babble, challenging us to "be positive." God realizes that some days it's hard to find anything positive. And that's OK. And part of why it's OK is that God will be there in our sufferings, anytime we stop to notice.

-- Copyright Eric Folkerth 2001. All Rights Reserved. (Used with Permission)


1 comment:

  1. thanks I needed this hug from God, tough night last night and my MS was ragging after we had a tough time with our special needs son. It hurts more to watch him hurt than when I hurt. Watching him suffer is unbearable and I know only the hope of heaven gives me the ability to get out of bed each morning. ( I had a dream one night and when I arrived in heaven he was there and thanked me and said come on mom I want you to meet Jesus. ... ) I realized for all eternity he will be free from suffering and all of this Will make sense. We will all play together, run together, praise God together, this is temporary and eternity is forever...Knowing someday this will all pass and there will be no more suffering and pain is a huge hope.

    In Christ alone...

    C.B. in California


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