Tuesday, April 1, 2014


In Christian community, we teach about the ways of the faith with Christ at the center. We point out what is different about following Christ, and how the truth of the gospel is different from any other truth. We offer experiences of Christ through our worship and other spiritual practices. Then we teach participants to follow Christ on their own through their practice of the disciplines. Their transformation depends on them making their own connections with the God of Jesus, whom we worship. We cannot do it for them; we can only teach them how to do it for themselves.

-- Cathy Townley in Missional Worship


1 comment:

  1. Totally excellent! I am running off a copy to take to my religious education class tomorrow. I have 7th and 8th graders. It is so true, we can only teach them and hope that they will grasp what they are being taught and make it a part of their life.

    Jeanette M.


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