Monday, September 16, 2013


"For the Lord takes delight in His people; He crowns the humble with victory." (Psalm 149:4 NIV)

Quiet, unpretentious deeds, done out of the way and in quietness, attack our pride, our hunger for power and prestige, our desire for recognition and approval, our determination to be important.  They train us in the practice of humility, which is the essential practice of godliness.

Great acts of virtue, it seems to me, come rarely, and rarely are they hard to do.  They have their own reward:  the rush and recognition we get from tackling difficult and demanding endeavors, the following we attract by doing them.  It's much harder to give ourselves to hidden, unheralded acts that no one sees.  But these are the greatest deeds of all, the elements of which are found in no other religion or ethical system.

-- David Roper in Growing Slowly Wise


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