Thursday, May 10, 2012


When my children were very young I came across a biography of Susanna Wesley, mother of John and Charles Wesley. I was thinking about this book the other day, and how that when I read of her life I was truly inspired. Susanna birthed possibly nineteen children, schooled them all herself, (homeschooled) and raised her children to be devout Christians. She kept a well-run household by herself, without the help of servants, (if I remember correctly). She ran this household strictly and orderly with the older children helping with the younger ones and each given responsibilities as soon as they were able. The children made bread, sewed and learned to do many other necessities from an early age. This was all done in the days of growing and preserving their own food, making everything from scratch, making their own candles for light, making their own clothing, usually after making their own cloth! All without modern conveniences, of course!

John and Charles Wesley, as adults, gave much credit to their mother as the molder of their character and of their souls. It is said that John and Charles Wesley together won tens of thousands to the Lord, preaching the gospel of the grace of God. And thus, Susanna Wesley lived to see the fruit of her labor.

Proverbs 31:28 says of the virtuous woman, "Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her."  

-- Mary Atwood


1 comment:

  1. Today's devotional about Susannah Wesley stirs so many memories for me. My husband, Charlie, entered the ministry in 1979. I found the book "Oh, Sussannah" (I believe) in the church library. What a goldmine! I checked at that time and it was no longer in print. She was a most remarkable lady! I believe the author was Bishop Nolan Harmon's wife. Charlie was lucky enough to have Bishop Harmon for a course at Emory. He was an expert on Wesley. What an inspirtation to a young couple just entering the ministry! Somehow we need to make it available again! What an example of motherhood, and obiedience to God's will!
    Helen Short, South Carolina


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