Friday, January 21, 2011


When I held [my newborn daughter] Laura, I found myself incapable of believing that she was an accident. I found myself incapable of believing that the universe was a random chaotic machine that did not care whether I loved her or hated her. I don't mean that I had a group of arguments for her having a soul and I believed those arguments. I don't mean this conviction is always present in my mind with equal force. It's not.

I mean the conviction welled up inside me and I could not get away from it. I could not look at Laura and believe otherwise. I could not hold her without saying thank you to Someone for her. I could not think of her future without praying for Someone more powerful and wiser than me to watch over her. When she arrived, she brought along with her a world that was meant to be a home for persons. A God-breathed world.

Every child is a testimony to God's desire that the world go on.

-- John Ortberg in Faith & Doubt


1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Dustin. I appreciate the impact his life had on me through meeting him, seeing how he loved life and being the inspiration for SOUND BITES.

    Rev. Barb Yorks, PA


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