Friday, October 23, 2009


Creation is a gift for us. And all of creation is a reflection of the wonder of the Creator, God's creation -- from the amoeba, to the newborn child, to the wonders of the galaxies and stars -- points to the majesty of the God who caused the big bang, who called forth the light and darkness, who spoke and the waters swarmed with life, and who created you in God's own image. You are no accident: You were designed by God to be recipients of God's love and to enjoy creation, to walk with God, know God, and do God's will. And this Creator is not some anonymous Intelligent Designer. No. God is the one who has been revealed by becoming one of us in Jesus Christ. There is no greater joy, no greater life, than knowing and following God.

-- Adam Hamilton in Confronting the Controversies


1 comment:

  1. Thank you, again Pastor. Its been read twice and will be oftener- as the day moves on. Each "Bite" is welcome.

    In HIS AWE,

    E. Nohr


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