Tuesday, April 14, 2009


It was only in the light of Easter that the disciples understood Jesus' work and intention; they now realized that the Messiah had to undergo rejection and suffering, that He was to conquer not Rome but death and evil. We have no reason to mistrust the New Testament assurance. The Easter message and the historical Jesus are joined by a bridge resting on many piers. Jesus proclaimed the good news of the presence of God who, like a forgiving father, seeks His lost children and grants even sinners the company of the Redeemer; the disciples preached the Gospel of Christ, who appeared as Saviour and died on the cross for sinners. In the Holy Spirit Jesus drove out unclean spirits and conquered Satan; from Easter onwards He was extolled as the Lord of all spirits, who gives the Holy Spirit to believers and in Him is ever present with them.

-- Otto Betz in What Do We Know About Jesus?



  1. I recommend you and the reader of this post to do an extensive research of NT and the Christian doctrines (like salvation by faith in Jesus, trinity and easter) to find about its origin.

    You will find a wealth of invaluable documented information ignored in Christian and circles at: www.netzarim.co.il

    Anders Branderud

  2. Here is another site worth exploring, if one is interested in a Jewish perspective on Jesus the Messiah: http://www.allaboutreligion.org/messianic-jew.htm


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